Hooptech x Shoot 360
Adult Leagues
Upcoming Leagues
5v5 Leagues
Sunday Night Men's League
$450 Per team
$60 Per free agent
7 Game guarantee, includes single elimination playoff
Sunday's: 4:30pm - 8:30pm
Player Stats
Live streamed games
Weekly player of the week
*$40 per team per week for refs and score table
Tuesday Night Women's League
$425 Per team
$60 Per free agent
7 Game guarantee, includes single elimination playoff
Tuesday's: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Player Stats
Live streamed games
Weekly player of the week
*$40 per team per week for refs and score table
3v3 Leagues
6 regular season games w/ single elimination playoff
Player Stats
Live streamed games
Weekly player of the week
All-Star Game
*$25 per team per week for refs and score table
Winter League Session (Coming Soon)
Men's Sunday Night Standings
Men's Sunday Night State Leaders
Women's Tuesday Night Standings
Women's Tuesday Night State Leaders

A Revolutionary Basketball Competition
Welcome to Shoot 360 Leagues - the world’s first digitally connected basketball shooting competition. Compete against teams both in-person locally, and real time virtually across the globe.
6-Week 3-Person Shooting Competition Tournament
Advanced Tech: Game play stats & auto rebounding / passing machines
Skill Matching: Compete against teams that match your level Dynamic Scoring: Every shot counts in exciting new ways!
Exhibition Play Is Here!!