Ohio's #1 Basketball Training Facility

Built from the ground up, Hooptech is specifically designed to develop and nurture the skillset of its athletes. With Shoot 360 Technology, we are Ohio's premiere option when it comes to advanced basketball skill development.

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Shoot 360 Cleveland

HoopTech's partnership with Shoot 360 allows our athletes to train, track and compete like never before.


Our 5 shooting cages have the technology to expertly train your shot from anywhere on the court and


Our 5 skill cages improve your ball handling, court vision, accuracy, speed and timing.


Our coaches will analyze and correct your game, while our state-of-the-art technology will help you track the progress of every shot, test your skills, and challenge you to improve your game more than you ever thought was possible

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Free shooting still
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Parent Lounge

Parents can enjoy a space of their own while their athlete's train. Equipped with couches, TVs, and wifi, parents can wait in comfort. This space is also used for private events.